Saturday, January 18, 2014

#Chinos4Jim #GetHarbaughInBonobos; Harbaugh's fashion taste called into question

It's NFL Championship week as the New England Patriots travel to Colorado to take on the Denver Bronocos in the AFC Championship game and the San Francisco 49ers head north to Washington to take on the Seattle Seahawks in the NFC Championship game. And what is the hot topic you may ask? Fashion. Chinos to be more exact.

If you somehow missed the story this week, Sarah Harbaugh, wife of the San Francisco 49ers head coach, let the nation know that her husband will only wear $8 pleated chinos that he buys at Walmart. Fashion faux pas.

Banana Republic took the opportunity to launch the hashtag #CHINOS4JIM. Banana Republic was founded just 14 miles north of San Francisco in nearby Mill Valley.

Not to be left out of the picture mens fashion brand Bonobos tweeted their open letter to Coach Harbaugh to #GetHarbaughInBonobos. In their letter they outlined an offer of ten free pairs of pants in addition to a $10,000 donation to a charity of Harbaugh's choice. Sounds like a deal I'd be quick to jump on, but that's just me. Anybody envisioning a future partnership for Harbaugh and a menswear brand?

Finally, some photographic proof of a prior Harbaugh khaki shopping adventure.
Notice any other brands activating around the Harbaugh pleated-khaki controversy? Post below in the comments!

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